Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Black like Me

A few years ago there was a controversial study of heart patients that seemed to indicate that the type of medicine suitable for white patients was different than what was suitable for blacks. Specifically, beta blockers did not work well in many patients with black skin. This disturbed a lot of people. The idea of race based medicine seemed contrary to a lot of what we knew about genetics. In particular the extremely small differences between people based on skin color. No one was comfortable with this.

The other day there was a report that they discovered a genetic variation in people of African descent that accounted for this difference. It was not because of their skin color. It was because of some evolutionary quirk that gave people with this variation a better chance of surviving in Africa. This has always been the argument for why sickle cell exists in people of African descent.

The thing is, this genetic variation exists in only forty percent of people with black skin, and it exists in two percent of people with white skin. Skin color turns out to be predictor but not a perfect predictor. If you were trying to help people with heart problems you could use skin color and play the odds, or you could do a genetic test and really help someone. Don't forget two percent of whites also have this genetic variation. Those white folks are getting short changed if doctors are using skin color to predict who should take take beta blockers.

When you read a lot of education research you see a lot of discussion about why black students don't do as well as white kids. If you are using skin color to make decisions about students you are being lazy and creating a false system. There is no way that the small genetic variation that accounts for skin coloring accounts for intellectual variation.

Educators need to start figuring out what is going on with actual students and stop playing the odds. The odds are bad policy in medicine and in education. It hurts way to many people.


Anonymous said...

I do not understand where these people get the idea that intelligence can be inherited through genetics? Robert Plomin's experiment on the IGF2R gene is a fallacy, since no other scientists can replicate his experiment. Behavioral traits are probably due to genotype-environment interactions.
Genetics does not lead to inevitable fates, but I know bureaucracy does.

Anonymous said...

How about the color of your skin to get a job! In my school there are 52% white children, 30% midleastern and the rest are chinese and hispanic. Most of the teachers are white. We have 3 hispanic teachers and 1 chinese.

Anonymous said...

How about the color of your skin to get a job! In my school there are 52% white children, 30% midleastern and the rest are chinese and hispanic. Most of the teachers are white. We have 3 hispanic teachers and 1 chinese.

Cheap Essays said...

ability doesn't reflect on skin color.. !